Breaking Down

In a curious stroke of luck, I had a chance to go see Breaking Dawn today.  A group of courageous women bought tickets to see the movie in Huntsville, Alabama.  Unfortunately, one had to back out.  That opened up a ticket for meeeeeeeeeeeee!

I enjoyed the Twilight series immensely.  I know, I know.  The writing was not on par with the giants of literature we all know and love.  But, sometimes you gotta let your hair down and have a little mindless fun.  When the movies came out I would watch each one and walk away unimpressed.  Blah.  Meh.  So when they announce a change in director I did leap for joy.  Anything was better than more of what they had already churned out, right?

Yep.  It’s better.  The acting, the makeup, the special effects.  The only thing I didn’t like was the score.  Through EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. there were twinkling tonalities.  Just let these kids speak without all the music in the background!  This isn’t Gone With The Wind for crying out loud.  We don’t need Bella’s Theme, Edward’s Theme, Jacob’s Theme,  Leia’s Theme.  Just pipe down the orchestra!

Overall, good flick.  You know, for a Twilight movie.  Oh heck, with all the garbage Hollywood is churning out, it was pretty good for ANY movie.

Go sink your teeth into it!

Tee hee.  See what I did there?

3 responses

  1. I loved it!!!! It went along with the book very well. There were to scenes that were not in the book and that was both fight scenes, but overall Wow!

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